The Book

Wisdom cannot be transmitted, the only thing that can be transmitted is the way to get there.

The purpose of the book is, to help us, to understand and realize our deep connection with the Being, to obtain Self-Knowledge. It contains all the information we need to end suffering and to live a conscious life. It shows the path of wisdom and that the wise-being is already within us, waiting to be discovered.
We don`t have to learn something new nor we need more information, it`s all about taking away the layers that improves that we realize our true self. It is practical book that shows us to inquire our feelings, to investigate our thoughts and contemplate reality as it is. We have to learn to look inside ourselves; there and only there we will find out, who we are and what is real. Thus we understand that suffering like any kind of negativity is useless and its only function is to teach us, to look beyond appearances and develop a creative understanding of reality.
As long as we not have Self-Knowledge we can`t see reality as it is and all our efforts of changing the world will be futile, only we when go beyond the ego-centric-way-of-living can we stop the madness of the world. Negativity and suffering is the misinterpretation of reality, it is just a way to think. Our confusion is that we believe that our thoughts are the reality. We have to restructure our way of thinking, learning a new way to interpret reality, the Wise-Holistic-World-View.
The key in the process of the transformation of consciousness is the non-identification with the ego (thoughts). When our identity is no any longer based on the thoughts we have, and when we begin to identify us with the Being (the life that we are), then we will experience a profound and deep transformation, without passing through a long and painful process of healing the wounds of the past.
The restructuring of the way we think and the direct experience of the Here and Now is what makes the transformation of the consciousness possible. This will generate a conscious connection with the Being, the experience that we are not the separate and limited identity of the ego, but the Being itself.
It`s in our hands to make the decision to live consciously or to keep on going with a life of limitation and suffering. The life we live depends to us. We create the reality which we experience and all the excuses why we can`t live consciously in peace, is the negation of the tremendous creative force what works within us.
The Wise Way is not a spiritual practices, nor a self-developing technique, it is a practical and direct way to manifest and express the wisdom in our lives, that transcends any believe-system, philosophy o religion-dogma.

We must know who we are, to realize what is real.
The transformation of consciousness is only possible,
when we go beyond the identification with the ego.
We must integrate the ego in our true self,
to create the base for real changes.
It is not enough to go against the dysfunctional system,
we have to be the change what we want to see in the world.
Only the wisdom and the self-knowledge provides the
authentic wise-holistic-world-view.
The peace, the compassion, the understanding,
the fulfillment, the freedom,
must be our most inner reality,
so we can bring it into the world.

To order the book in spanish click here

The book was first publish in Spain (three months ago), and now we are in the process to publishing in English (available soon).
Thanks for our patience.
